Research Projects
Causes and Consequences of Prime Ministerial Replacements
- Principle investigator: Roni Lehrer
- Research question 1: When and why do PMs leave office?
- Research question 2: How do parties respond to change in the PM postion?
- Research question 3: How do voters respond to changes in the PM position
- Sponsor: German Research Council (DFG)
- Duration: 36 months
- Funding amount: EUR 404,000
- Status: To start in September 2024
Party Policy Ambiguity and its Consequences for Political Representation and Satisfaction with Democracy
- Principle investigator: Roni Lehrer
- Research question 1: When do voters realize that party policy positions are ambiguous?
- Research question 2: How do party policy ambiguity perceptions affect political representation?
- Research question 3: How do party policy ambiguity perceptions affect satisfaction with democracy?
- Sponsor: Baden-Württemberg Stiftung
- Duration: 18 months
- Funding amount: EUR 165,000
- Status: Ongoing until 2024
Mannheim Corona Study
- Principle investigators: Annelies Blom (general PI) and Roni Lehrer (director of politics)
- Research Question: How does the Corona pandemic change Germans' attitudes?
- Sponsor: German Research Council (DFG) and Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
- Duration: 16 weeks (data collection), 36 months (data analysis)
- Status: Approved (2020), data analysis ongoing (2020-2023)
Reform Agendas, Policy Diffusion and the Consequences of Intra-Party Position-Taking
- Principle investigators: Thomas Br채uninger and Marc Debus
- Research question: How does intra-party position-taking affect political reforms?
- Sponsor: German Research Council (DFG)
- Funding amount: EUR 444,000
- Status: Concluded (2018-2022)
Perceptions of Intra-Party Politics
- Principle investigators: Roni Lehrer and Sebastian Juhl
- Research questions: How does intra-party politics affect citizens' party perceptions?
- Sponsor: SFB 884 with funds from the German Research Council (DFG)
- Funding amount: EUR 55,000
- Status: Concluded (2019)
Everything to Everyone? Not when you are internally divided
- Principle investigators: Roni Lehrer and Nick Lin
- Research question: How does intra-party fighting affect citizens' party perceptions?
- Sponsor: SFB 884 with funds from the German Research Council (DFG)
- Funding amount: EUR 85,000
- Status: Concluded (2018-2019)
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